It takes an average of 7.5 years to get an official diagnosis of endometriosis. Here’s how you can give yourself the best chance of earlier diagnosis.
Why Natural Painkillers Are Perfect for Periods
Period pain relief is a monthly requirement for many of us. Here are some ways that you might be able to reduce or eliminate your period pains without using painkillers.
How Does Endometriosis Affect Your Period?
If you have endometriosis, you might be wondering can it affect your period? Here’s what an endometriosis period might look like.
Do Organic Pads and Tampons Shorten Your Period?
There are so many benefits to switching to organic period products – but is one of them making your period shorter? Read on to find out!
How to Not Let PMS Rule Your Life
Acne? Bloating? Intense emotions? If you experience intense PMS symptoms then you’ve come to the right place. Here are our tips for how to not let PMS rule your life.
7 Things We Wish We Knew Before Our Periods
At Natracare HQ, we thought back to our first periods and the things we wish we’d known, so that we could tell you before you start yours!
Cruelty-Free and Vegan Periods: A Breakdown
So, you’ve gone vegan – amazing! Now that you’ve got your vegan diet perfected, it’s a good time to think about making your period products vegan too.
How to Deal with Your Period Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Astrology is a fun way to characterize who we are and how we communicate. Plus, who doesn’t want to know their period experience based on their Zodiac sign?
9 Reasons to Love Your Period
Sometimes it can be tough to love your period. But periods are actually quite magical and incredible when you see everything they can do!
23 of the Best Period Tweets
One more menstrual cycle left in this decade! So, in honor of bleeding monthly for a decade, here are 23 of our favorite tweets in 2019 about periods.