Your period products have to come wrapped in something when you buy them. For our non-applicator tampons, we use plastic. Here’s why.
What Your Period Would Say If It Could Speak
Have you ever thought about what your period might tell you, given the chance? We have, and this is what we think it would want to say!
Why I’m Thankful for my Vagina
Our vaginas are more than sexual reproductive organs and this Thanksgiving season I’m sharing why I’m grateful for my own vagina.
Can You Get Waxed on Your Period?
Here at Natracare, we believe there’s next to nothing your period can stop you doing, but what about getting waxed on your period?
4 Hidden Period Effects that Aren’t PMS
Periods can range from being inconvenient to life altering, depending on your social and economic experience. Here’s four ways it might affect your life.
Different Names for Periods and Their Herstory
There are 5,000+ period euphemisms that exist around the world! But why do period euphemisms even exist? We took a look into the history behind them.
Eating For Your Menstrual Cycle Phases
Hormone-supportive treats — a phrase that sounds exciting and intriguing. But what does it actually mean? Moon Cycle Bakery gives us their take!
The Shocking Truth About Plant-Based Plastic Applicators
A recent analysis by Greenpeace Laboratories has revealed the extent of greenwashing in the tampon industry.
How To Put a Tampon In and Prevent Period Leaks
Want to try tampons for the first time? Follow this step-by-step guide for how to put a tampon in and prevent period leaks when you’re wearing one!
How Your Period Changes Throughout Your Life
From puberty to menopause, your menstrual cycle changes throughout your life. Let’s explore how your periods could change and what you can expect.