Have a look in your bathroom cabinet. You’ll probably find some old prescriptions, maybe even some harmful personal care, period, and cleaning products… Check out our blog to find out the best way to detoxify your bathroom cabinets.
Top 5 Exercises To Do Whilst Menstruating
There are so many benefits of exercising while menstruating. Check out our blog for the top 5 excersises to do during your time of the month!
5 Yoga Poses To Help Ease Period Pain
Yoga practice is well known to calm, center and strengthen both body and mind. Here are some of the most effective yoga positions to do during your period.
Reduce Toxins In Your Home: A Room By Room Guide
Our home is full of chemicals, toxins and pollutants that could negatively affect our health. In collaboration with the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, we have created a room by room guide to uncover those unwanted chemicals in our home.
Monthly Dose of Glyphosate
There is an issue that pesticides are in tampons and we need to talk about it. Glyphosate has been found in many brands of conventional tampons. Evidence shows us that choosing organic produce is a positive choice for many reasons.
Why We Shouldn’t Be Silent About Incontinence
One in three of all 20-85 year olds suffers from some sort of bladder weakness. So what is incontinence and why do we need to start talking about it?
How To Be Vegan On a College Student Budget
We’ve written a guide to help you stay in budget while following a vegan diet during your studies with ideas that won’t break your student bank.
9 Tips For Running On Your Period
Running can be great for you, especially for beating the bloat, easing the cramps, and sleeping soundly. Here are our 9 top tips for running on your period.
Seven Superfoods and Ways to Use Them in Meals
We believe that everybody could do with more plant-based nutrients! But how do you incorporate so-called superfoods into your everyday meals?
Yoga Advice For When You Are Menstruating
I’m Kristi, I’ve practised yoga for over 7 years. My husband convinced me to try it out and I was hooked. Here’s my advice for when you’re on your period.