Eco-Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

Do you have loved ones you want to shower with gifts? Is it time to gift a special baby non-toxic toys this season? Here’s how without contributing to the annual environmental fall-out that Christmas brings.

If you’ve landed here, it’s likely that you’re a green-minded person, so we’ve come up with a few guides to eco-friendly gift giving which we hope you find useful.

The amount of wrapping paper thrown away at Christmas in the UK alone would wrap around the equator 9 times. That doesn’t even account for what’s inside the wrapping paper! Imagine all of the plastic and energy used to create the gifts that are exchanged each year in the UK.

Here you’ll find some low-impact, low-cost and carbon-neutral options for showing the people you love that you care for them, without damaging the environment, or blowing the bank!

Sugar dusted christmas biscuits


Who doesn’t love food and drink? If you want to give somebody a gift that they will truly savour, make them something tasty. Think biscuits, cakes, or mince pies. If your gift recipient doesn’t have a sweet tooth, then how about a savoury spice blend, or a jar of something pickled?

If your loved one likes to cozy up on the sofa with a mug of something warm, perhaps you could make a hot chocolate blend. Just add a pinch of cinnamon and a few drops of orange essence for a lovely, Christmassy depth.

If they like a tipple, maybe something like sloe gin, home-brewed wine or beer. There are also lots of great recipes online for non-alcoholic syrups and shrubs.

There’s nothing quite like sitting down and sharing something sweet and satisfying with somebody you care about – just don’t put any melty presents beside a roaring fire!

Knitted scarf with hot chocolate


A homemade gift is a heartfelt gift. Why not get creative and have a go at making something special? From knitting, to sculpting, to painting and drawing, making a decoration for the tree, or a piece of jewellery – a creative gift is a great way to show that you really know somebody.

If you’re not a dab hand when it comes to all things creative, we promise, it’s not as daunting as it sounds! There are lots of ideas here for stylish and cheap handmade gifts . Have an explore online and see what you find!

Go-kart racing track

Gift an Experience

Give somebody a gift that they’ll really remember – material possessions come and go but memories last a lifetime. Why not buy your loved one a voucher for something they’ve always wanted to do? A hot air balloon ride; a bungee jump; a go-kart racing session; a pamper and spa day; or simply a long weekend away out in the countryside… and if you share it with them, it can be a gift for you both!

Female friends laughing

Quality Time

In this hectic world where everybody is dashing from pillar to post, the best gift of all is your time and attention. Put a day aside for an adventure with the person you love. Pausing to appreciate somebody and to be appreciated yourself is priceless.

If you want to be able to physically hand something to the person you love, then you can make them a book of redeemable coupons.

Sustainable clothing rail

If Buying, Buy Ethical

Second hand shops (both in real life and online) can be gold mines for great gifts – and they also stop people’s unwanted items from going to landfill. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, after all!

If you are planning on buying something new, there are plenty of companies out there with ethical sourcing and staffing policies. For your gift to have a positive impact on the world, think local, plastic free, and sustainable. Finding ethical companies will come easy to you – you found us, after all!

If you need more inspiration, check out Moral Fibres’ ethical Christmas shopping guide

Give the gift of
plastic free periods

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Make a Donation

Buying a gift for the person who has it all? Why not make a donation to a charity on their behalf?

An example of a charity that has different gift options is Ripple Effect – this organisation works in Africa. They help to lift families out of poverty by giving them the tools to create meaningful change in their lives. Ripple Effect offers cockerels, cows and goats and much more. Check them out to see the full range of gifts that they offer.

Other great charities run similar schemes, so have a look around and choose the right cause for your caring friend.

Lemon, rosemary and honey spoon

Homemade Cosmetics

Homemade cosmetics are an easy way to treat your friends and family – maybe with some left over for yourself! Lots of ingredients you’ll find in your kitchen can also be used to create lovely, fresh scrubs and cleansers. We love these scented sugar scrub cubes for your hair.

Have you got any other ideas for eco-friendly Christmas gifts? Let us know or show us what you’re planning to give this year on Instagram!

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