By trying to navigate the pandemic, you might’ve picked up positive habits worth holding onto. Here’s how to stick to them when lockdown is over.
Tips For a Sustainable Pantry
A well-stocked, well-organised pantry is an oddly satisfying achievement. To help you cultivate a more eco-friendly pantry, here are a few of our top tips.
Can You Take a Pregnancy Test on Your Period?
If you’re bleeding vaginally or are on your period, can you still take a pregnancy test without affecting the result? We’ve got the answers!
What is the “Coronavirus Fatberg”?
As many of us experience a toilet paper shortage, replacements are getting flushed down the toilet – leading to what’s been dubbed “Coronavirus Fatbergs”.
15 Hilarious Tweets About Periods in a Pandemic
Social distancing during the sunnier months doesn’t feel fair, but perhaps with the aid of these funny tweets about having periods during COVID-19, you’ll find comfort in knowing you aren’t the only one feeling the pressure.
How Often Should I Change My Period Products?
How often should you change your pad, tampon or menstrual cup? We covered all types of period products so you’ll know for your hygiene and safety.
Periods in a Pandemic: Relieving Cramps at Home
For most of us, life is lived at home, which means that we’re having our periods at home, too. So we’ve compiled a list of the best ways to manage period pains while quarantining at home.
5 Positive News Stories During the Pandemic
Today is Earth Day, so we’ve collected some positive news stories about our planet, in the hopes of bringing you joy in a time when we all need it most.
7 Sustainable Activities for Self Care and the Environment
Find ways to positively impact both the planet, your sustainability and your mood – all from the comfort of home!
How to Eat a Nutritious Vegan Diet in Quarantine
The lockdown rules might leave you worried about sustaining a nutrient-rich vegan diet. Here’s how to keep a balanced diet during quarantine.