As all but key workers (thank you!) stay home to do our part, here are a few ways you can still practice sustainability during this pandemic.
Tips for Working from Home
Has COVID-19 got you working from home? If you’re finding it tricky to get into the swing of things and stay on track, trust us – you’re not alone! This transition isn’t an easy one, so here are some of our top tips for WFH life.
Natural Recipes for Period Pain
Period pains are normal, but you shouldn’t have to endure them month on month. Here are some natural recipes from Your Period Handbook that might help to reduce your period pain.
How to Make Your Home Office Sustainable
If you, like so many others right now, have recently turned your home into a home office, here are some ideas for making it as sustainable as possible.
You’ve Been Diagnosed With Endometriosis – What Next?
An endometriosis diagnosis can be a very big deal – it takes, on average, 7.5 years to be formally diagnosed. When it finally happens, it can give people a platform from which to better understand their symptoms.
Endometriosis Pain Relief: What Will Help or Hinder Symptoms
If you suffer from endometriosis, we’ve compiled a list of some of the things that may help to reduce inflammation and pain.
Perimenopause: Signs You’re Starting Menopause
We spoke to Meg’s Menopause to learn more about Perimenopause – the limbo between having regular periods and entering full menopause – to help you to feel more prepared for the journey ahead.
Toilet Paper vs Flushable Wipes vs Moist Tissue
Nowadays, there are quite a few options to choose from: the classic toilet paper, the misleading “flushable” wipe, and moist tissues. We’re drilling down the different options available for wiping, so you can choose the product that’s best for your body and the environment.
Living With Endometriosis: How to Deal With Endometriosis in the Workplace
Endometriosis is a menstrual health condition that affects 1 in 10 people with periods every day. Here are some gentle suggestions for dealing with endometriosis at work.
When To Get Checked For Endometriosis
It takes an average of 7.5 years to get an official diagnosis of endometriosis. Here’s how you can give yourself the best chance of earlier diagnosis.