If you want to find out more about why we exist, and why we’re still campaigning, watch Lex’s full video or read the transcript below.
Non-Toxic Toys For Your Baby
With Christmas coming closer, it’s time to start thinking about the gifts your little one will be given and how to keep their bodies safe from harmful materials!
Period Advice for Beginners
Whether it’s the products to use, what symptons to look out for or best ways to manage your period, here’s our advice for people new to periods!
Puberty In Girls
Puberty is the part of our growing up when changes inside and outside of our bodies means that we are passing from being children to becoming adults. Some of the changes are fairly easy to deal with and some are more difficult, but everyone goes through these changes.
My First Period Questions: What You Need to Know
Curious about your first period? It’s normal to have questions about such an important part of growing up. Whether you’ve just started yours or are about to, here’s everything you’ll need to know about your first period!
DIY Halloween Decorations Using Period Products
In need of some last minute Halloween decor ideas? Use up your expired tampons and panty liners, and transform them into super simple but super spooky Halloween DIY decorations!
6 Reasons to Choose Organic Tampons and Natural Pads
You might have an inkling that organic products are better but not be sure about exactly why that is… We’re here to share our top six reasons to choose organic products for your period!
Why Use a Panty Liner?
From everyday incontinence to extra protection or for exercise. Find out how and why to use a panty liner!
The Periodic Table of Menstruation
Periods are made up of… elements – from product types, management, materials and symptoms – we’ve got it covered. Check out our periodic table here!
Can You Compost Menstrual Products?
Composting is returning biodegradable material back to the earth. Usually we compost food, tea bags and garden waste. But what about other products you use?