There are just 3 things that belong down a toilet; pee, poo and paper. If you throw your tampon down the loo, you need to read on!
The Not-So-Fabulous Face of the Fashion Industry
New fashion collections with price tags so cheap there’s usually money enough for accessories top. Brilliant isn’t it? Or is it?
Top 5 Exercises To Do Whilst Menstruating
There are so many benefits of exercising while menstruating. Check out our blog for the top 5 excersises to do during your time of the month!
Cotton Uncovered – Why Organic Cotton?
Cotton is the worlds dirtiest crop, using more insecticides and the most hazardous pesticides than any other single crop in the world
France Bans the Plastic Carrier Bag
France have announced that all single-use plastic bags will be banned from shops from the 1st July 2016 as part of their drive against pollution!
5 Yoga Poses To Help Ease Period Pain
Yoga practice is well known to calm, center and strengthen both body and mind. Here are some of the most effective yoga positions to do during your period.
9 Foods to Eat on Your Period to Help Cramps
You can do more than just use the right period products to make that time of the month more comfortable. Period pains can be made easier when you eat the right foods too.
Our Top 10 Zero Waste Shops in the UK
As an eco-friendlier and often cheaper choice, for part of zero waste week, we wanted to show off our favourite zero waste stores across the UK where you can go plastic-free whilst looking after your pennies.
The Healthy Baby Guide with Made Safe
We’ve teamed up with Made Safe to curate a guide for avoiding toxins and navigating the aisles when shopping for your family and growing children.
How To Be Vegan On a College Student Budget
We’ve written a guide to help you stay in budget while following a vegan diet during your studies with ideas that won’t break your student bank.