5 Positive News Stories During the Pandemic

Watching or reading the news can feel like a downward negative spiral lately –   especially as staying at and working from home leaves us with more time to watch the numbers shift. With family members and friends lost to or unwell from Coronavirus and people fearing for what the future holds, it can be difficult to see the light during these darker times. If this resonates with how you’ve been feeling recently, we want you to know that you’re not alone and that it’s okay to feel this way.

Today is Earth Day, so we’ve collected some positive news stories about our planet, in the hopes of bringing you joy in a time when we all need it most. So, grab a warm mug of something yummy and have a read of the latest good news:

1 – A breath of fresh air

Flights are cancelled and people are only travelling for essential reasons, which might be disappointing if you’ve had to cancel plans. But one of the plus sides of reduced travel is that air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions have dramatically reduced. Not only is this great news for the planet, but humans and wildlife are benefitting from breathing cleaner air. Much like this pandemic, the reduction in air pollution has been global. In some places it’s not only improved the air quality, but the quality of the views too. In India, the Himalayas are visible for the first time in decades.

2 – Making furry friends

Having a home where you can stay inside and feel safe (with family or loved ones if you’re lucky) feels more vital than ever right now, but we’re not the only creatures that need a place to call home. In recent weeks, a huge number of dogs have been adopted – in fact, one shelter in Kansas City had every single dog rehomed with a new family to call their own and NYC and LA have both reported an increase in adoptions. We hope that the dogs adopted during this time will have found their forever home because dogs are for life, not just for lockdown.

3 – The bright side of WFH

If you’re working from home when you’d usually be based in an office, you might have noticed small, environmentally friendly changes to your working week. For example, you’re not driving or using public transport for your commute, you’re probably popping to the shops less often for plastic packaged sandwiches, and you can definitely get away with fewer showers 😉. Having to work from home due to the current circumstances is not a cause for celebration, but it does provide you with the opportunity to take control of your home office, making it as sustainable as possible.


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4 – Who run the world? Goats

People might not be allowed outside, but there’s nothing stopping these goats in Llandudno, Wales from hitting the town with full force! Similarly, across the globe as coronavirus has kept humans locked away, creatures of all descriptions have been free to roam our towns and cities. From the coyotes spotted on the Golden Gate Bridge to the pods of orcas off the coast of Vancouver.

5 – Renewable energy growth

For the first time ever, renewable sources are set to account for almost 21% of the electricity used in the US this year – a serious jump from last year’s 18%. Our increasing reliance on renewable energy sources like solar and wind power reduces the need for non-renewables like oil, which is definitely a step in the right direction as far as sustainability is concerned.

There is no taking away from the damage and distress that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused on a global scale, but there can still be hope for the days that are yet to come. Have you got a positive story to share with us? Let us know.

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